About the Journal

Aims & Scope


Humanities & Education publishes original, rigorous research within the domain of education in humanities subjects. The journal specifically addresses scholarly inquiries related to the pedagogy and didactics of literature, art, culture, history, philosophy, religious studies, and linguistics, spanning from primary to higher education. While quantitative studies are welcomed, the journal particularly encourages contributions that employ qualitative or mixed-method approaches, thereby integrating theories and methodologies from the humanities into educational research.

In a field where many academic journals focus on a specific discipline within educational studies (ranging from language to history education, and from the philosophy of education to teacher education), Humanities & Education aims to unify research on education in the humanities within a single journal, thereby fostering exchange across various disciplines. Articles reporting on interdisciplinary research are therefore strongly encouraged. The editorial board also encourages the submission of articles about educational contexts outside the English-speaking world.

Based on the conviction that research on humanities education should not only seek to understand educational practices but also to improve them, each article includes a public summary aimed at education professionals, highlighting the practical implications of the reported research for the field of education.